24. Mission


In the function bar, click on the "Mission" function, illustrated:

Are the mission users can do repeated daily, including 18 missions:



Combat Fighting

2,000 exp

5 Bronze Chests

Attack the Stronghold for taking the land

3,000 exp

5 Bronze Keys

Arena Champion

1,500 exp

20,000 Copper


1,500 exp

20,000 Copper

Sharpening Blade

1,500 exp

20,000 Copper

Need Fame just came

1,500 exp

16,000 Copper

Pass Gate stash Enemy

2,000 exp

18,000 Copper

Good Soldier good horse

1,000 exp

25,000 Copper

Epic Campaign

1,500 exp

1 Good Wine

Bronze mountains, golden caves

1,000 exp

20,000 Copper

2 Rune Hammer

Explore secret base

1,000 exp

20,000 Copper

5 Battle Card

Nation War

1,000 exp

20,000 Copper

10 Sichuan Brocades

Daily VIP benefits

440,000 Copper

240 Ủy Dụ

Junzi loves talent

1,000 exp

14,000 Copper

Train Heroes

2,000 exp

1 Good Wine

PK Arena

1,000 exp

30,000 Copper

2 Traning Troop Tutorial

Time to Lunch

1 Silver Key

50 Stamina

Time to Dinner

2 Silver Key

50 Stamina

Last updated