Part 13: The best starting heroes (3)
With this part we will finish looking at worthwhile heroes, of course there are other interesting heroes, but some of them are quite difficult to obtain, and some require painstaking work on characteristics to unlock their full potential, which is a waste of precious resources. Don't forget that no matter how good these heroes are, NFTs will be much more effective.
Guo Jia
A mage with excellent control, it can freeze your opponent for a few seconds and also has good damage, it's definitely worth getting and upgrading to 3 stars.
Characteristics: "Сritical Damage" | "Accurate" | "Critical Rate"
Runes: "Solider Rune"
"Careful" - Medium probability of casting, deals 130% damage to nearby enemies and freezes them for 3 seconds
"Weird Book" - Medium probability of casting, deals 100% damage around the ally with the lowest HP and freezes enemy for 3 seconds
How to get a:
1) Parts and the whole character can be bought in the "MARKET".
2) Check your luck in buying "Precious Wine".
Cao Ren
A tin can, he is hard to defeat, he can withstand a lot of damage, with the proper selection of characteristics and runes, he is able to concentrate on himself for a long time, giving the attacking heroes the opportunity to deal more damage.
Characteristics: "Dodge" | "Accurate"
Runes: "Dodge" | "Reduce"
"Indestructible Diamond" - Medium probability of casting, increases defense by 20% for 6 seconds
"Storm Counterattack" - When hit in melee, medium probability of counter attacking to nearby enemies, deals 130% damage and stuns enemies for 2 seconds
How to get a:
1) For the passage of Stage 2 in the elite mode "EXPEDITIONS" you can get a lot of parts, if you go through everything, you get just 30 pieces.
2) Parts and the whole character can be bought in the "MARKET".
3) Check your luck in buying "Precious Wine".
Ma Chao
If you have trouble getting Lu Bu, you can easily get yourself Ma Chao. At the beginning of the battle it will give your team a small advantage, increasing damage and defense by 20%, time of action is 10 seconds.
Characteristics: "Dodge" | "Accurate"
Runes: "Dodge"
"Xiliang Chevalier" - Activates battle, increase defense and attack by 20% for 10 seconds
"New Moon Slashing" - Medium probability of casting, sweeps across enemy in front, deals 150% damage
How to get a:
1) In the "ACTIVITY" section there is a tab "7 Days Login Rewards". You just need to enter the game every day for 7 days (Player log in during first 7 days and are able to pick up everyday new reward. On day 7 they get God hero Ma Chao!).
Huang Yue Ying
Like Huo Tuo, she heals allies, so you can't have too much healing! It also periodically increases damage by 15%. The first strong ability is available immediately, so the 3-star upgrade can wait.
Characteristics: "Dodge" | "Accurate"
Runes: "Solider Rune"
"Moon Stream" - Medium probability of casting, creates Moon Stream healer at nearby hero with lowest HP, healer continues to heal for 20% HP
"Active Potential" - Medium probability of casting, increases attack by 15% for 5 seconds.
How to get a:
1) Parts and the whole character can be bought in the "MARKET". But the percentage is quite small.
2) Check your luck in buying "Precious Wine".
3) Check "ACTIVITY", in some events for spending or buying gold you can get gift boxes with excellent heroes.
Xu Chu
Xu Chu has a great 2 ability, he increases the defense of all heroes by 15%, which raises the survivability of your team, the biggest benefit from this can get Cao Ren, as his first ability increases his entire defense for a while extra 20%. If you need a swordsman and have trouble getting Cao Cao, it's worth paying attention to him, and it's pretty easy to get him.
Characteristics: "Dodge" | "Accurate"
Runes: "Dodge" | "Reduce"
"Tiger Claw" - Medium probability of casting, rolls forward dealing 130% damage to enemies in front
"Kneel Punishment" - Activates hattle, increases team defense by 15%
How to get a:
1) Parts and the whole character can be bought in the "MARKET".
2) Check your luck in buying "Precious Wine".
3) For completing some stages in the elite "EXPEDITION" mode, you can get parts of the hero.
Yue Jin
Among the blue gers there are archers, they are different, but some have the "Radial Arrow" ability, it's almost the same as Di Qiao, at the beginning of the battle they release one arrow in a straight line dealing 150% damage. If you place these archers in a row, they can easily clear the field of enemy minions. Don't get carried away with these heroes, having Di Qiao, you can add 1-2 more blue archers to your team.
Characteristics: "Сritical Damage" | "Accurate" | "Critical Rate"
Runes: "Сritical Damage" | "Attack"
"Radial Arrow" - Activates battle, launches one arrow across the battlefield, deals 150% damage The second ability is different for everyone, most often it is of secondary importance, do not pay attention to it if you cannot get several archers to choose from.
How to get a:
1) Such heroes can often be bought inexpensively in the "MARKET"
2) When opening "Precious Wine", they often come across.
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