MAT Staking
I. Staking Profit Rate 365%
🗞MAT staking which is similar to depositing money in a bank involves "locking up" a part of your MAT for a period of time as a way of contributing to our project and also earning rewards or "interest", contributing to more successful project development.
📍Don’t miss staking $MAT to get profit
Est. APY: 120 ~ 365%
Est. Profit per day: 1%
Un-staking mechanism: Flexible. MAT holders can un-stake anytime at any number; the rewards will accumulate for only staking MAT and need one week to claim it
2. How to participate in Staking
2.1. Connect Meta Mask wallet to Staked web
(1) Go to Staked Web:
(2) Press “CONNECT WALLET” will pop up the connection panel
(3) Press the button to connect to META MASK wallet
(4) Press “NEXT” to connect wallet
(5) Press “CONNECT” to complete wallet connection with Staked Web
2.2 Things to know before Staking $MAT
(1) NUMBER OF STAKERS: Total number of people who have participated in Staked
(2) TOTAL MAT STAKED: Total number of MATs that have been Staked
(3) APY: Rate of interest received in 365 days
(4) CHECKPOINTS: Steps to control the Staked process to ensure safety
(5) STAKED: Number of MATs you have participated in Staked
(6) UNSTAKE: Number of MATs you have canceled Staked (this MAT number will be locked for 7 days from the time you Unstaked, after 7 days you can withdraw to your wallet)
(7) REWARDS: Total MATs interest number you receive each day. You can press “Stake” to re-invest those MATs or press “Withdraw” to withdraw MAT to your wallet
3. Steps to participate in Staked with $MAT
(1) Read the terms of Staking and press confirm, then press “Next”
(2) Enter the number of $MATs you want to Staking and press “Next” (notice lock time of $MATs will be counted from the last time Staked or Unstaked, after the lock time ends you can withdraw $MAT to your wallet)
(3) Press “Next” to authorize confirmation of $MATs payment authorization from your wallet address
(4) Continue to press “Next” and press “Confirm” to complete transfer of $MAT from wallet to Staking
(5) Complete the Staking and check your information, including:
Number of $MATs are remaining in account
Number of $MATs has been Staking successfully
Press “Done” to return to Staking interface at the beginning
4. Bonus interest is going to receive:
Interest bonus will be calculated based on the game reality daily revenue: (Revenue) = (Sell NFT) + (Top up Vip) – (Play to earn)
40% of profit will be used for paying Staking rewards and 40% will be put into Backup Storage wallet.
Reward of each person will follow the formula: Staked*Apy/365/100 -> daily interest rate
5. Things to know when participate in Staked:
Need to have $MAT, and BNB (as transaction fee) in the wallet to make the transaction, connect the Meta Mask wallet on the web browser
After staking, interest will be paid at 0:30 UTC of the next day. $MAT interest will have no waiting time, you can withdraw or re-invest with that $MAT right away
When unstaked, $MATs will be locked for 7 days and you will not receive any interest in that time (whether you unstake all or only part)
If $MAT is in unlocking time for waiting Unstaked, it will not be possible to proceed to Unstaked for the second time
6. Having trouble or reporting an error
If you have any problems or errors when you use Staked Web, please let us know immediately via discord channel, so that we can support you quickly.
Reporting errors link:
Sincerely thanks!
*APY rate will change according to market situation and profit,...
Last updated